INT-X002 Mail X-Ray Inspection System

Nowadays there are many criminals and terrorists that utilize attacks through the mail. The best way to reduce the danger is by performing tests on the mail as it comes into a facility. With the right technology, it becomes much easier to handle these problems at the earliest stage.

A great tool to help with this is the INT-X002. It is an X-ray system that can be used daily to check small packages and regular mail. The device has the capability to detect explosives, as well as the components they typically contain. However, this device can detect much more including weapons made from metal and plastic, substances that are radioactive, powder that is toxic, narcotics, and more.

The monitor can display color images, as well as black and white. The detector will not allow for dead zones in the items you are inspecting. The device has adjustable voltage, as well as a gamma detector. This will allow the user to detect radioactive elements.

The INT-X002 is a very small and compact X-ray scanner with a high resolution, as well as adjustable voltage and a u-shaped line detector. It is not much different in size to a desktop photocopier, and it works well in any office. It is often used by law enforcement, security firms, banks, military, prisons, and other locations where they tend to receive mail and where that mail might become problematic.

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