The INT-JD006 is a non-linear junction detector. It is aimed to detect concealed eavesdropping devices at places having increased number of electronics. This is also ideal solution when detecting tiny electronics of 10 x 20 cm.

Distinctive Features

  • Considering performance, accuracy, operating range of the device, it fully matches the INT-JD006 device, although being rather small.
  • The device is capable of detecting semiconductor elements, concealed by other materials. It can search through sleek areas reflexions, gaps and unearthed displays. The SIM card detection range is up to 100 cm.
  • The device is capable of accurately locate the target using the laser and direct aiming.
  • Extremely low EM effect on a person
  • The unit has low weight and was developed with the use of advanced technologies.
  • Wireless earphones are included

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