INT-CM010 A5.1 Decipher Unit

The solution is intended for complementing the GSM interception systems for the purposes of decrypting the communication sessions having A5.1 encryption type. The unit is neccessary in countries where such type of encryption is used.

A5.1 encryption is well used for over-the-air communication privacy in the GSM cellular standard. All over-the-air data is complemented by the session key (KC). The interception system can register a whole GSM session with voice when revealing the KC.

Decipher unit configuration and its communication with the GSM interception system is controlled by computer. There is two types of connections possible between unit and a PC- LAN or wireless. For example, you can use 2G/3G/satellite/VPN internet connections.

The software allows the decipher module to interact with several interception systems. The decipher module can be used at remote location of the user and be connected to the interception system via secured network with the use of standard server-client application.


  • Close to real-time calculation of session key.
  • It is capable of connecting to interception systems remotely via secured VPN link.
  • A single decipher module can operate with several interception systems with possibility to select the priority between systems.
  • A single interception system can operate with several decipher modules at a time.

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